Integrated Grid Planning

Accelerate informed grid planning decisions

Facing the complex challenges of grid planning, utilities, governments, market operators, energy service companies, and Independent System Operators (ISOs) must consider reliability, resiliency, and equity. Effective coordination is essential to address the impacts of electrification initiatives across multiple sectors.

Integrated grid planning by Kevala unites various planning dimensions to offer a cohesive view of electrification impacts. Our platform supports comprehensive planning—from transmission and distribution to ensure reliable power delivery, to innovative rate and program design aimed at minimizing consumer costs.

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Maximize the potential of new distributed energy resources

Seamlessly Integrate Grid Planning, Rates, Programs, and Interconnections

Kevala's platform empowers customers with the flexibility to perform dynamic analyses that integrate load and DER forecasting, rate and program design, and essential grid planning and operational considerations.

Integrate Data Set Management and Analytics

Kevala transforms your diverse data sets with robust ingestion and cleaning processes, enabling you to derive more insights from less data. Our advanced system ensures that your data is not only comprehensive but also ready to deliver actionable intelligence efficiently.

Harness Bottom-Up Granular Analysis for Precise Grid Insights

Kevala’s bottom-up forecasting offers detailed, premise-level insights into customer behavior, while also providing a broader perspective on regional and area planning. This approach ensures that stakeholders receive accurate and relevant insights at every level, enhancing decision-making across the grid.

Support Change Management and Strategic Transformation

Kevala's Professional and Advisory Services team leverages decades of experience in regulatory strategy and utility operations to help regulators and governmental agencies accelerate decarbonization efforts. Our experts provide customized insights and support stakeholder management through complex regulatory processes.

Move quickly while maintaining a safe, reliable system

DER Adoption Propensity Modeling

Precisely estimate the likelihood of DER adoption at the customer level with detailed spatial and locational granularity.

Rate Design

Design and operate rate structures and incentive programs across customer segments using time series-based rate modeling.

Load and DER Forecasting

Accurately include DER in time series-based load forecasts utilizing a combination of top-down spatial allocation and bottom-up customer-level modeling.

Grid Carbon Intensity

Understand the full picture of locational grid carbon intensity to support operational and siting decision making that informs decarbonization initiatives.

Non-Wires Alternatives

Quickly evaluate and validate non-wires alternatives in a fully integrated platform with superior visualization capabilities.

Building and Transportation Electrification

Predict which customers are likely to electrify their assets based on their demand and non-demand characteristics.

See Kevala in action

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